Photos from yesteryear

Posted by Gingerblossom at 6:41 PM

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I was tidying up a little for Chinese New Year and stumbled on our old wedding album. These photos were taken 7 years ago and we used a very cheap studio and borrowed their gowns for the shoot so the pictures are a bit cheesy lah. But strangely, the cheesy-ness is a perfect fit to our corny-ness!  The one by the pond cracks me up most. I love it! 

Note: these pictures aren't the retouched version and they are photos of the original photos....


Unknown said...

LOL!! Blast from the past!! And Daniel looked so skinny!!!

ginaloh said...

The first pix has a reflection of you taking the snapshot..haha. But i like the sepia tone, very vintage feel to it.

lovexiaolongbao said...

bonjour from paris!! hahaha thks for sharing these pictures, classic! u shd blow up the one by the pond, its very emo.

Gingerblossom said...

addy: he was...then.

gina: yea. I liked the sepia one too! Looks like something you'll pull out from grandma's chest!

LXLB: Boujour mon ami! Having fun in Paris?? I do have the pond one enlarges. Just don't know where it's kept since we moved to BJ.. it's even cheesier enlarged!