Bubbye Sunshine & Food...

Posted by Gingerblossom at 6:59 PM

Friday, January 9, 2009

Taking the flight back to Beijing later this afternoon... sad to leave but I'm really looking forward to seeing my kitty cats soon. I think Ody's going to be super needy & kneady for the next few days...

Before we leave, I wanted have one last yummy meal to sustain me for the next few weeks - bah kut teh at Tiong Bahru. It was all arranged with my family BUT this morning my parents decided to cook it at home with an instant mix cos they think it's too much of a rush to go out, eat, come back , change, head for the airport. What my sis & I tried to explain to them was, IT'S NOT THE SAME. I can have home cooked instant mix bah kut teh anytime in BJ. It's the rest of the stuff you have with bah kut teh that we can't get, such as the salted veg, taupok, tea and Dan's fav stewed pig's trotter. And it's the "killing-yourself-in-the-heat-eating-hot-soup" that completes the bah kut teh eating experience. We've wait months to satisfy our cravings for our favourite food at our fav stores but it's taken away from right under our noses... A substitute just doesn't cut it, not when it's just 15mins away by car. Not 6hrs away by plane. Do you get what I mean?

So, sounding like an ungrateful daughter, I have insisted on going to "tabao" from my fav weekend store. I can forego the experience but not the food. Never the food.