Most people go home for Chinese New Year. But we usually stay behind simply because there's no one left to look after the cats. We can't possibly leave them at home for over a week with no company, food and water refills and no one to clear the poop! So, we've remained in Beijing and missed reunion dinner back in Singapore for the past 3 years.
Nightly blasts
Posted by Gingerblossom at 7:29 AM
Friday, January 30, 2009
Agua - posh spanish nosh at Qianmen
Posted by Gingerblossom at 1:13 AM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Legation Quarter, 23 Qianmen Dongdajie,
Tel: 6559-6266
Labels: Beijing, Beijing food
Photos from yesteryear
Posted by Gingerblossom at 6:41 PM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I was tidying up a little for Chinese New Year and stumbled on our old wedding album. These photos were taken 7 years ago and we used a very cheap studio and borrowed their gowns for the shoot so the pictures are a bit cheesy lah. But strangely, the cheesy-ness is a perfect fit to our corny-ness! The one by the pond cracks me up most. I love it!
Wind battered
Posted by Gingerblossom at 12:38 AM
Thursday, January 22, 2009
It's supposedly -8 to -7 deg celsius today. I intended to stay home and just watch TV. But looking out of the window today, I thought, "Look at that glorious sunshine! Doesn't seem that cold. Let's go out!"
Labels: Beijing
Maybe Monet?
Posted by Gingerblossom at 4:49 AM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Painted the ikea table on Saturday and this is the end result. The original plan was to have it look a little like Jiuzaigou but I couldn't mix the colours on hand to achieve aquamarine, teal, turquoise.... so I settled for blue-grey skies and the yellow-gold Autumn leaves we saw. This is only an impression of what I remember seeing. I'm obviously no Claude Monet but it's still nice to look at the table and think, "well, least I tried!"
Labels: arts N craft
Being a gatecrasher
Posted by Gingerblossom at 6:17 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Labels: work
Almost martha
Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:26 AM
Martha Stewart's famous for her living ideas ranging from cooking to sewing to decorative crafts. If they sold her magazines in BJ, I may be her biggest fan. I can't believe I'm such a dork!! So why would I be a big fan? I love making stuff and I love DIY home improvement projects. Ok. Cooking - not my thing but I have tried to make simple meals in the past few months of bumming at home.
Labels: arts N craft, Homecooked food
Eating in Singapore
Posted by Gingerblossom at 5:45 AM
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Labels: Singapore food
The bag I didn't buy
Posted by Gingerblossom at 7:19 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Yesterday at Changi airport, I went to look at bags. Not something I usually do. But there was a Mulberry boutique and I simply had to take a peek. I like the Mulberry look - the supple leather, classic designs and fact that the logo is almost invisible makes their bags all the more alluring to me - same reasons I want an Hermes bag :P

Labels: Shopping
Bubbye Sunshine & Food...
Posted by Gingerblossom at 6:59 PM
Friday, January 9, 2009
Taking the flight back to Beijing later this afternoon... sad to leave but I'm really looking forward to seeing my kitty cats soon. I think Ody's going to be super needy & kneady for the next few days...
Before we leave, I wanted have one last yummy meal to sustain me for the next few weeks - bah kut teh at Tiong Bahru. It was all arranged with my family BUT this morning my parents decided to cook it at home with an instant mix cos they think it's too much of a rush to go out, eat, come back , change, head for the airport. What my sis & I tried to explain to them was, IT'S NOT THE SAME. I can have home cooked instant mix bah kut teh anytime in BJ. It's the rest of the stuff you have with bah kut teh that we can't get, such as the salted veg, taupok, tea and Dan's fav stewed pig's trotter. And it's the "killing-yourself-in-the-heat-eating-hot-soup" that completes the bah kut teh eating experience. We've wait months to satisfy our cravings for our favourite food at our fav stores but it's taken away from right under our noses... A substitute just doesn't cut it, not when it's just 15mins away by car. Not 6hrs away by plane. Do you get what I mean?
So, sounding like an ungrateful daughter, I have insisted on going to "tabao" from my fav weekend store. I can forego the experience but not the food. Never the food.
Labels: Singapore food
Watch this
Posted by Gingerblossom at 7:34 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
Labels: Shopping
My favourite cat
Posted by Gingerblossom at 5:42 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Note: This entry has Cat pix. Not suitable for the cat phobic.
Dan's dad has the cutest cat ever! His name is Chubby. Chubby is the cat that made me fall in love with cats. I never used to like cats much. More then 10 yrs ago, Dan's dad brought Chubby home as a kitten. He was the most adorable little furball who followed you all around the house, run up and down the stairs on his short stubby legs... then panting like a dog because it was just too tiring for a small kitten to keep up. He would sleep with Dan on the pillow, sit in front of the PC monitor while you're using the PC and attempt to drink beer. As a kitten of 3 months, Chubby was about the length of a tissue box and the width of a conventional mouse pad. He was huge, hence the name Chubby. The only reason he looked so huge is from all that long fur.
Now 10 yrs on, Chubby has mellowed - doesn't run around much, seldom meows, never bites or swipes and mostly spends his time chilling on his tackle box by Dan's dad's feet. AND he has grown. Chubby is these HUGEST CAT I've ever seen ( and hugely cute too!!). How huge? See for yourself. P.S he's not fat by the way... not like my cats.
Labels: cats
Home but unable to eat!!! Frustration!!!
Posted by Gingerblossom at 6:43 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Since arriving home yesterday I've had a nasty case of the runs. Within 6 hours of landing, I had to go to the loo 10 times! One of which was to throw up the meagre 6 biscuits I had in-flight. For soeone who eats so much and so often, declining lunch and having biscuits instead is truly an indication that something is not right. I was miserable...My first dinner home was "ta baoed" and I could only manage 2 spoonfuls of rice with 5 spoons of soup and 1 slice of fish cake. Not quite the meal I was hoping to have. Almost wanted to cry... no prata, no prawn past chicken, no carrot cake....
The clinic downstairs was closed so I couldn't see the doc to get a diagnosis. Figured I better go check. Afterall, I have been feeling nauseous for 3days, throwing up almost all my dinners. The runs started when I landed home. I ended up taking all my sister's charcoal pills and going to bed early. I was exhausted from all tht running to the loo at home. Sigh... not the best way to start my home trip.
This morning, my tummy is still churning and I haven't had any food yet. Fingers crossed that nothing happens when I do eat... if I finally feel like eating.