My fat cat Pisase

Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:53 AM

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pisase is a severely misunderstood cat. People don't like her much because she's such a grump, swiping anyone who crosses her path. But she's loyal, no doubt about that. She recognises the hand that feeds her ( more often than not, she also bites the hand that feeds her!) and is able to tell the good guys from the bad. Aka who feeds her and loves her vs who doesn't. That's why Pisase never fails to run up to me for a rub whenever I come home. Even after 6 weeks away, she recognised me and came running to the door for her customary rub. She's been following me around the house for the past 2 days... which is rare given how she usually avoids people, and being vocal about getting her rub down. She's MY special cat because she's only ever this sweet with me. Everyone else in her little cat mind is probably a bad person. That includes Daniel :P


ginaloh said... each of their own. Pisase's world revolves around food, food and the golden hand who gives her the food.