I took the week off an told everyone that I would be in Singapore settling cat stuff. Wait a minute, what's that you said , " But I just saw you today". Yup. I did a bad thing. I lied.
On hiding and packing
Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:00 AM
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
haven't been blogging
Posted by Gingerblossom at 5:14 AM
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Got to get back to it,, so many wonderful things I've eaten in the past few months! Ah well... I'll have time after my last day at work.
I love autumn
Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:46 AM
Thursday, September 23, 2010
and winter... I actually don't mind the cold too much with proper wear.
I want birthday cake like that!!
Posted by Gingerblossom at 9:11 AM
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
This is the Sesame Street cake that my friend's son got back home in Singapore...
Labels: Singapore food
my 2nd other job: tour guide
Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:11 AM
Saturday, August 14, 2010
my other job: adult-sitter
Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:15 AM
Sunday, August 1, 2010
First it was a team of makeup artists, next it's a busload of journalists and colleagues who are convinced they'll faint from the "thin" air in Shangri la, need to be reminded to board buses, need this, need that... I wonder if I'm working in PR or adult kindergarten.
my new way of dealing with extra work
Posted by Gingerblossom at 9:18 AM
Monday, July 19, 2010
Ignoring it and leaving. After all, a lot of it was not my responsibility. Juz because I sat in a brainstorm does not make it my job to write the proposal.
Impressions of New York
Posted by Gingerblossom at 7:49 PM
Friday, July 2, 2010
Labels: Travel
Other small things I bought in NYC
Posted by Gingerblossom at 9:13 AM
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
One thing I did not buy on sale
Posted by Gingerblossom at 6:24 PM
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I *heart* eating in New York
Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:14 AM
Sunday, June 27, 2010
so many things so little time
Posted by Gingerblossom at 9:10 AM
Sunday, June 13, 2010
So. I've had a brief think about the things I want to see in NYC
Labels: Travel
7 more days to NYC
Posted by Gingerblossom at 11:35 PM
Monday, June 7, 2010
7 more days. I just have to live past working this weekend.
Sometimes I think I should just not work
Posted by Gingerblossom at 9:01 AM
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Acclimatizing to Slurpee, Sneezy and Smelly
Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:02 AM
Friday, May 14, 2010
I don't love living in Beijing. I just don't mind it as much anymore. But there are still things that annoy me... it always starts from the moment I board a plane back for Beijing. Oh. remind me not to fly Air China to and from Singapore. And if you think I'm whining/ complaining, I'll unabashed declare that I am!
Labels: Beijing
The fine art of ta-baoing ba chor mee for a long distance flight
Posted by Gingerblossom at 7:42 AM
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I queued 40mins today to buy Dan's favourite Ba Chor Mee ( noodles with minced meat).
Labels: Singapore food
cute new rings
Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:35 AM
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Got these rings as Far East Plaza Singapore, from a little shop that sells the most interesting rings. One of the rings had a mini carousel on top! Check out the detail of this ring. It looks like I have a cat wrapped around my finger.
The sea
Posted by Gingerblossom at 7:04 AM
Monday, May 3, 2010
I've never been a fan of sitting by the beach. Bores me stupid. There was only one place in the world where I actually enjoyed the sea view and that was in Greece. Then again, Greece was incredibly beautiful and it's hard not to love watching the sun set over the sea while you indulge in greek food and wine...
Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:05 PM
Saturday, May 1, 2010
So. I come home from Dalian and realised that hey, i can't take a break. I have to finish drafting a quotation, a ppt presentation, a workplan, an outline for a product launch, revise an annual plan, have a lunch discussion... all by end of day monday.
ticket to NYC bought
Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:54 AM
Monday, April 26, 2010
yay. no turning back. bought and paid. now to check what's the corp rate at W
Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:18 AM
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Have to fly coach to New York... no budget. Dammit.
Fatburger - new burger joint in town
Posted by Gingerblossom at 2:28 AM
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Labels: Beijing food
hmm.. my wii fit tells me I've lost weight
Posted by Gingerblossom at 7:35 AM
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I wonder if its accurate.. I have a lower BMI than 4 mths ago when I bought it. Very soon, if i continue to work like how i do now, I will look anorexic. Not a good thought. I've seen a skinnier me and it was not a healthy sight. Must make effort to eat lunch.
NYC here I come!!!!!
Posted by Gingerblossom at 7:49 AM
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Woohoo! Meeting in Pennsylvania confirmed. Gonna make sure I fly through NYC and hang out with colleagues and friends there. Um.. and of course, get some training done in between (that is, if I can pay attention) muahahahaha
Labels: Travel
weekend in Huairou
Posted by Gingerblossom at 5:55 PM
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Indigestion? Ate something wrong?
Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:24 AM
Monday, March 29, 2010
Man... I can't tell... tummy not feel good. Can' tell if I'm hungry until I want to puke or is it just air.. not a nice feeling.
Brunch at Maison Boulud
Posted by Gingerblossom at 6:51 AM
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Labels: Beijing, Beijing food
the event that kept me up for days...
Posted by Gingerblossom at 3:58 AM
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Labels: work
Harbin-ger of Cold
Posted by Gingerblossom at 7:33 AM
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Went again to Harbin. Took my siblings there. Boy was it cold. But not as bad as I remembered it to be. Maybe this time I've acclimatized... but -17 deg is still pretty darn painful for the face and fingers! That's Dan in the H1N1 mask if you're wondering...claims it keeps the face warmer than the scarf. That white creature is an Arctic Fox that some tout was pushing for photos. I felt real bad for the poor cub who must have been taken from it's mum. And i know it's not right to encourage the tout by paying him for the photo but the cub was really so adorable!
Labels: Travel
Doing my fav thing each year... running away from misfired fireworks
Posted by Gingerblossom at 6:08 AM
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Second time in 2 years.. this time was scarier because my back was facing the firecracker which toppled over and was shooting all around the road. I could see one shoot by my right and another by my left and straight ahead I heard my cousin yelling.. "RUN!!"
A reminder to live life
Posted by Gingerblossom at 12:27 AM
Saturday, February 13, 2010
A uni classmate posted on facebook that another of our classmates passed away. It was rather shocking news... you never expect someone your age to pass away... At 20, you think you're immortal. At 30, you feel age creeping up on you and you begin to live healthier but Death still seems distant.
Accent confusion
Posted by Gingerblossom at 5:21 PM
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
So yesterday at 6am I had a concall with 2 Americans with 2 distinctly different accents, an Aussie and an English lady.. I had a meeting in the afternoon with the same combination + one local Chinese.
Meet Weber Shandwick Beijing's 2010 Best Dressed Pair
Posted by Gingerblossom at 7:24 AM
Thursday, January 28, 2010
That's yours truly and the boss who really knew how to tickle everyone's funny bone with Lady Gaga- inspired- hello kitty dress. Some people tried to steal kitty off the dress... Had a great laugh!
Labels: work
today's solar eclipse
Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:18 AM
Friday, January 15, 2010
Today mark's the millenium's longest solar eclipse, lasting a good 4 hrs. This is when the sun, moon, earth are aligned in that order. Got a glimpse from our office window. It was quite amazing. The sun looked as if cookie monster got a bite of it. Despite the mountain of work and looming deadlines, i took 5 mins to go peer at the half eaten sun ( my miu miu sunglasses rock!)
10 min phone encounter with Sienna Miller
Posted by Gingerblossom at 7:30 AM
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I had to serve as an English translator for a phone interview today.. basically to ask some questions for a Chinese journalist. The interviewee was Sienna Miller... that's why I got to talk to her. well.. not really talk. Just ask questions. She seems like a really nice down-to-earth star :)
Labels: work
The boss shows some "skin"
Posted by Gingerblossom at 2:11 AM
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Beijing's coldest weather in 30 years
Posted by Gingerblossom at 12:35 AM
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Labels: Beijing