It snowed in the wee hours of 2 Jan and started again at night all the way till Now ( 3 Jan, 4.35pm). I don't think I've ever seen so much snow in Beijing. Even the man-made snow fall on early Nov was nothing compared to the flurries outside today. I'm sure there's more than 20cm of snow on the ground. my boots just sunk in and disappeared in the powdery snow. Thank goodness for the uggs.. fake or not, they work wonders in keeping my feet warm and dry
I read in the weather report that come 5 Jan, Beijing will likely see the coldest temperatures ever in the last 30 years. It's going to be a high of -9 deg and low of -16 Deg. That's excluding windchill. I guess it's time to take out the thermal wear... i hate thermal pants... the last time I wore them was in Harbin!
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