One sided conversations at night

Posted by Gingerblossom at 6:45 AM

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Most weekday nights, after 9pm, I don't get to see Dan. Well, I see him - he sits just 5metres from me. But his attention is wholly focused on World of Warcraft. That's why I try to rush home before 8.30pm each night, no matter how much work I have. Before 9pm is the only time I get to spend with Dan :).

I get to hear Daniel though. He talks to his friends online. More like yells instructions. For the past few years, I've been hearing him say "DPS the guy!!!", "Heal me! Heal me!". It's amazing I don't sleep talk and repeat these words! 

With his headset on, he probably can't hear himself. Accounts for why he's been getting louder and sounding so much bossier. Each time he raises his volume, I up the TV's volume. But at some point it seems ridiculous so I'm forced to tell him to pipe down. Unfortunately, it's usually a one sided conversation that goes like this:

Me: Dear, you don't have to yell
Dan (loudly): Shiro, DI someone! 
Me: Dear, I'm sure they can hear you. You have a mic.
Dan (louder): Come on guys! Focus! 
Me (slightly louder): You're louder than the TV. I can't watch CSI like that.
Dan ( super loud): DPS the guy! Heal me! Heal me! 
Me (resignedly): I guess you can't hear me. I guess I'll have to lip read...

I guess I'm used to it after so long. This happens every weekday night and almost every weekend afternoon. Hmm.. it never occurred to me to ask what "DPS" means but I don't think I really want to know...


judebabe said...


Have your own earphones... maybe that helps.
