Having a pet..

Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:57 AM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

...is very therapeutic. It's a great responsibility too. Pretty much like looking after a small child except that this one will likely depend on you for the rest of its short life.  Whether it's food in a bowl, fresh water, clearing poop, trips to the vet - a domesticated pet is relies on you to keep it healthy and safe. More than that, a pet also depends on you for love and attention. In return, they devote themselves to you. That devotion manifests itself differently in different pets. Dogs lick you, cats purr when you rub them, rabbits hop excitedly to you, birds sing...How ever this devotion is demonstrated, its sure to give you that tingle of pleasure, knowing that someone ; or in this case some other creature; loves you too.  

That's why I think having a pet is good for modern city dwellers who constantly stress about work, money, life. A pet helps you stop and remember to enjoy the little things in life.  And that makes you a happier person. My 2 cats have certainly helped me enjoy mine a little better. 

While your pet lavishes you with love, don't forget to reciprocate. A pet is not a toy you can play with  for a while then chuck in the cupboard.  They need company and loads of loving attention too!