Thumbs up to Coldplay's publicists!

Posted by Gingerblossom at 8:31 AM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Watching Videoscope (Starworld) feature on Coldplay. While enjoying their fantastic music, it occurred to me that there was also a Coldplay concert on cable last friday and there's a Coldplay related contest on AXN tomorrow. Something about winning tickets to watch Coldplay in singapore on 23 March if you can identify the Coldplay song played in tomorrow's episode of CSI.

All I can say is they've got darn good publicists who have been hard at work promoting them across Asia as they travel through Singapore and Hong Kong next week.  Why oh why aren't they coming to Beijing?!


ginaloh said...

Aiyah, i didnt grab the tickets before they're all sold out, leavin only the corner back seats! Oh man, my fave band..