A taxi driver's take on life in Singapore

Posted by Gingerblossom at 6:33 PM

Monday, September 21, 2009

Taxi drivers back home are an interesting bunch. You get the uncle who's kindly but sometimes talks too much during your ride; the younger dude who's disgruntled with the system that made him have to turn to driving people around; the cabbie who knows all the gossip in Singapore and the one who knows where you can get good food. 

There's one common thread among cabbies , I guess,  anywhere in the world. They're sure to have a wealth of stories to share. The nature of their job exposes them to different types of people and gives them that great chance to observe human nature up close and personal.

One cabbie from singapore has decided to share his stories online http://taxidiary.blogspot.com/  and he's captured the eyeballs of many. His simple accounts of experiences with different passengers really uncovers a different aspect of life in Singapore that we sometimes don't think about.  If nothing else, his stories are entertaining! Read it :)